2021 has just ended and it has been judged as a tough year, discontinuous and unsatisfactory but in reality it turned out better than the previous one. Indeed, compared to 2020 when we were caught off guard by a pandemic as devastating as it was unexpected, 2021 was a year with more awareness that brought remedies in medicine and new work strategies.

2022 on the other hand, though just starting, has already given rise to negative prospects from someone particularly in the commercial field. Indeed, January is objectively a prudent month in terms of consumption, compared with December and it is equally fair to say that we are not out from the pandemic yet, but we can not fail to see the half glass full. One year ago Italy was stuck home, only essential services could stay open and we were still waiting for the first vaccine against covid-19.

But if 2021 was better than 2020 and 2022 has started by more reassuring conditions than the previous one, shouldn’t we live the present with more courage and the future with more optimism? Unfortunately, the answer is not that obvious. People react according to many personal, cultural, economic, social variables and are also increasingly more influenced by the most various form of communication from the media to the social networks.

Those who in this period has been less conditioned by the outside reality are certainly people who live in close contact with nature. For example, a man who works every day in the countryside learns to love and respect nature so much to feel linked to it in such an interdependent way to make it a reason of well-being free from any external condition agent.

The vineyard is one of those environments where man and nature share a common space daily building up to something together that wouldn’t be possible without one or the other.

Di Girolamo family in Marsala, from the past four generations, has focused their life on viticulture. During this period of restrictions, quarantine and smart working, the Di Girolamo’s and their team have dedicated as always their daily lives to the vineyard which requires constant work but, on the other hand, produces every year the desired harvest to carry on the family project.

The young firm of Marsala in 2021 has had relevant growth conquering various regions in Italy and new foreign markets. The just passed year moreover has led also to the first awards for the Baglio Diar wines which have resulted in more visibility and many new happy clients.

To Baglio Diar, despite the complexity, 2021 has shown constant growth thus, from a general point of view, it was positive and of good wishes for the future.

Therefore Baglio Diar faces the new year intending to consolidate its development and the wish to achieve as many new goals as possible.

Having said that certainly 2021 was not an easy year but the difference was made by the attitude to adapt which is a constant in the relationship between man and nature. What nature teaches us is that we must keep going to adapt to every circumstance at the best of our capabilities because only those who are capable of it evolve and progress.

All the best wishes of a great and happy 2022 from all the Baglio Diar team!!!

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